@article{HHIKN13, title = "{GRoundTram: An Integrated Framework for Developing Well-Behaved Bidirectional Model Transformations}", author = "Soichiro Hidaka and Zhenjiang Hu and Kazuhiro Inaba and Hiroyuki Kato and Keisuke Nakano", issue_date = {March 2013}, number = {10}, year = "2013", issn = {1349-8606}, journal = "Progress in Informatics", month = "March", pages = {131--148}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2201/NiiPi.2013.10.7}, doi = {10.2201/NiiPi.2013.10.7}, publisher = {National Institute of Informatics}, address = {Tokyo, Japan}, note = "{research paper of the special issue: Advanced programming techniques for construction of robust, generic and evolutionary programs}", keywords = {Model-driven Development, Bidirectional Transformation, Model Transformation, Graph Transformation} }